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Overview: Degree Programme

Photo: Fabian Stürtz

The aim of the Master's programme is to provide a broad, economics-oriented education that enables and encourages an individual choice of focus. Attendance of courses in economics is compulsory, which are designed to convey basic economic problem awareness and tools. The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne offers lectures, workshops and seminars specially designed for business lawyers. The participants include recent university graduates, assessors, lawyers and in-house lawyers.

After successful participation, graduates are awarded the academic degree of Master of Business Law (LL.M.) by the University of Cologne.

The Master's programme comprises 60 ECTS credits and is designed for a standard study period of two semesters.



The subject groups of the Master's degree programme are divided into modules, whereby the module contents are set out in the associated module descriptions. Successful participation in modules is demonstrated by the award of credit points based on examination performance. The module examinations are taken during the course of study. A module consists of at least one course and must be completed within a maximum of two semesters. The individual modules regularly comprise 6 ECTS credit points.



The awarding of credit points is based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One credit point corresponds to 30 hours of work. If an average of 60 credit points per academic year (i.e. e.g. winter semester and following summer semester) is taken as a basis, an average workload of 40 hours per week can be assumed - in part-time studies (20 hours/week), the study time is extended accordingly to four semesters.


Recommendations for study planning

The examination regulations for the Master's programme in Business Law deliberately give students a great deal of freedom in the design of the programme and the selection of modules. Students can shift their focus during the course of study within the limits of the examination regulations without any problems.


Reaccreditation 2016

